Crestron VS AMX

Equipping of the BHP Billiton company’s office in Moscow with audio/video presentation and AV conferences hardware, controlling system and system for content demonstration.
- 3 rooms for presentations, negotiations and AV conferences;
- Reception and lounge room.
Completion of works: 2007.
It must be said, that every large-scale international company as a rule has defined corporate standards of working process and environment organization – office furniture, walls color, and automation systems. Any company endeavors to create conditions, when its employees arriving, for example, from New-York to Moscow for a few days wouldn’t waste time for adaptation, but right away get into gear in familiar surroundings. In BHP Billiton usage of AMX equipment as a control system became one of such standards. Only Moscow office stands out from the others with Crestron system installed instead of AMX.
In fact, it was the only thing to do. Taking into consideration Fox Audio’s specialization in Crestron systems installation and programming since 1998, we had either to convince BHP leadership of Crestron systems being as good as AMX, even better and that for user there would be no difference, or just reject this project. Fortunately, we’d succeeded in the first one.
As a result, in the office were arranged room for presentations, universal room for presentations and audio conferencing and video conferencing room. In every of which one curtains and lighting were connected to the control system operated from Crestron TPS-12 touchpads with BHP Billiton company interface (see photos).
In the reception zone and lounge room were installed displays transmitting as satellite signal, so corporate commercials on special player.
- Control system – Crestron;
- Lighting – Crestron;
- Commutation – Extron;
- Build-in audio – Bowers & Wilkins;
- Polycom (ISDN) video conferencing.